Sunday, January 11, 2009

Homophobes are decidedly homophobic

The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission released its 2008 top ten Christian Defamations. A couple of them are explicitly pointed towards "homosexuals", and a few of them are indirectly taking a swing at the glbt community.

Just a quick note about this article: coming in at No. 10 is "Jack Black Musical Video". For all of you whose internet has been disconnected for the past few weeks, they are referring to the devilishly clever "Prop 8, the Musical". Claiming that the musical "distorts the teachings of the Bible", the Prop 8 musical is considered an "extreme case of Christian bashing".

Of course, claiming that homosexuality is a "lifestyle" and that gay people are "sinners" is also a distortion of the bible, but hey, who is really concerned with a rigorous analysis of Christianity these days anyways?
Oh yeah, what else was wrong with the video? Jack Black played Jesus. I say, if Alanis was busy, then Jack Black is a dandy second choice.

You can take a look at their other claims of defamation... Obama isn't actually a Christian, a sports reporter takes the Lord's name in vain, you know, the usual (interestingly, nothing about using religion as a justification for the war in--and occupation of--foreign countries).

I can't wait for this year's top ten!(I am guessing that the Pope's "gay people are worse than the degradation of the rainforest" will not be topping their list).


  1. I think Jack Black played a perfect Jesus. It is my opinion that past images of Jesus have always been played by men far to skinny. Christians may just be responsible for body image issues in men. Jack Black is a much more realistic image for men.
    I give props to the Prop 8 video.

    P.S. I am still waiting for the day when shrimp are called an abomination by the Christian community. Just the bible says. Burn in hell sinner crustaceans!
